Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $300.00. An additional $2.00 service fee is applicable for paper statements. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $1,000.00. Monthly service charge Annual fee per plan Annual fee per plan Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $500.00 or direct deposit. An additional $2.00 service fee is applicable for paper statements. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $10,000.00. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $500.00 or direct deposit. Annual fee per account Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $1,000.00. Transactions are limited to 100 per statement cycle - $0.35 per transaction over the limit. An additional $2.00 service fee is applicable for paper statements. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $2,500.00. Transactions are limited to 200 per statement cycle - $0.35 per transaction over the limit. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid monthly service charge - Analysis - Monthly service charge 12-month contract is required. $250.00 early cancellation fee. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid monthly service charge is $500.00. An additional $2.00 service fee is applicable for paper statements. Monthly service charge The minimum daily balance to avoid a monthly service charge is $5,000.00. Part-time (1-2x per week or on call) Full-time (3-5 x per week) (new/replacement) (existing IRA customers) Fee per Notary Stamp or Oath Monthly service charge will be assessed when combined Public Funds monthly account balance(s) average is over 1 million ($100.00 fee per million)
Personal Savings Accounts
Personal Checking Accounts
Business Accounts
Bank Service Charges/Fee Schedule
Business Analysis Fees
Safe Deposit Box (Annual Fees)
* An additional $5.00 activity fee will apply for each transaction over the limit of six.
** Analyzed account fee based on activity. Earnings allowance may offset activity and service charges.
*** Non-bank documents are only notarized for Redwood Capital Bank customers at bank discretion.
****Maximum daily Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) or Overdraft Fee - five items paid or returned, up to $175.00. If the item overdrawing your account is $35.00 or less, or if your account is overdrawn $35.00 or less, no fee will be charged. Returned items may be represented multiple times.
Some service charges will be waived if minimum account balances are met. All bank fees/charges are subject to change. Effective December 1, 2024.